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Request Payment

This api endpoint requests for a payment from a mobile money subscriber.

HTTP Request



account_nostringRequiredBusiness account number. This is generated for you when you create a business account.
referencestringRequiredA unique generated string to identify your request. A minimum of 8 and maximum of 36 characters is allowed.
msisdnstringRequiredMobile money subscribers phone number from which to deduct payment. Should be internationally formatted. for-example +256701345678
currencystringRequired3 letter ISO currency code for example UGX. No currency conversion is done, so the currency must be valid for the given phone number (msisdn). Currently we support UGX, KES and TZS.
amountdecimalRequiredAmount to be deducted from mobile money subscriber’s account.
descriptionstringOptionalA description for the request.

Sample payment request

    curl "" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.relworx.v2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <--Your API Key-->" \
-d '{
"account_no": "RELJH012BV45P",
"reference": "52750b30ffbc7de3b36",
"msisdn": "+256701345672",
"currency": "UGX",
"amount": 500.00,
"description": "Payment Request."

Sample response.

"success": true,
"message": "Request payment in progress.",
"internal_reference": "d3ae5e14f05fcc58427331d38cb11d42"